Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Cyberbullying is a concept that has emerged and become visible in the eye of the media in recent years. Cyberbullying is exactly what it sounds like, bullying or mistreating someone through the internet. Unfortunately, due to advancements in technology, bullying over the internet has become a lot easier. As read in Girl's Suicide Points to Rise in Apps Used by Cyberbullies, the application that can be downloaded on many smart phones called Kik led a girl to commit suicide. This recently popular app allows users to message back and forth via the internet as well as share pictures and files. As apps such as Kik emerge it only gives bullies different pathways to mistreat and terrorize others.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Legal and Ethical Issues

I personally feel that information and multimedia should be paid for due to the fact that people spend countless hours putting in time and effort to create these things. Making an album of music or writing a detailed and well researched journal are not easy tasks and should be covered by copyright laws so that the author or artist can receive some type of monetary payment for their hard work. Open Access can be classified as things that are free and open to the public for usage. I thought that YouTube did a pretty good job at making sure copyright laws were enforced on videos that did not give credit to the artist who's song they may have used in a video. However, in YouTube Alters Copyright Algorithms, Will "Manually" Review Some Claims, we see that the site will now manually look through videos that have been flagged for copyright infringement. This is mostly due to the fact that the first lady's speech was wrongfully flagged after having just aired. If it was not such a notable figure in society, the site would have probably kept allowing their programs to flag videos that violate copyright laws.