Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

1. I personally do not believe that robots can do everything that humans can do. Although robots may be extremely developed and programmed with exact specifications, machine error is often too common with elevated levels of technology such as robots. Not all human function can be programmed into a machine, therefore robots are not exactly capable of performing every task that a human can.

2. Robotic and driverless cars are a strange phenomenon to think about, however, we may see them sooner than we think. In Driverless Cars Get California License one can read about how driverless cars have recently been approved by DMVs in California. Driverless cars have the upper hand when it comes to reacting quickly and avoiding accidents. There is no distraction from the radio or a cell phone, therefore all attention is aimed at the road and hazards that may come about on one's journey from point A to point B.

3. Between humans and robots, I personally feel that humans are more likely to make mistakes due to the fact that it is human nature. Robots are programmed to do the same task or set of tasks over and over in the same routine each time. A major problem that may occur is when the robot does make a mistake, who will be to blame? In Should we put robots on trial? the topic of who will be to blame is heavily discussed. The person who created the robot would seem to be responsible, however, the robot is operational by itself. Maybe one day in the future we will see a separate justice system for robots, or have them incorporated into ours. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you on your third point because if the robot makes the mistake, then who are you going to blame.
