Tuesday, October 1, 2013

World Wide Web

I feel as if the World Wide Web's future will hold much of the same that we have already seen with improvements being made to websites, enabling users a more custom experience. In Facebook search: Facebook adding search feature, we see how sites are making it easier for users to browse, search, and find what they are looking for in a timely fashion. The web offers entertainment, information, tutorials, and a plethora of other things that help users every day that will only continue to improve as time goes on.

"The cloud" is a storage and computing device for various websites and services. Data is backed up using "the cloud" so that information is not stored on personal devices which takes up a large amount of space. The only problem with this type of system is when there is an outage. As read in "The Cloud" Challenges Amazon, on Christmas Eve of last year Amazon's cloud service was subject to trouble with elastic load balancing which caused Netflix to go down for a large portion of the day. Although services like the cloud are convenient, it is going to take a number of years to perfect these systems in order for them to work perfectly.

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